The Need and Feasibility of the UN to Lead the Human Community in Creating a Digital Planet(002)

7 min readFeb 8, 2023


— An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres and Global

“The Tao never does, Yet through it everything is done.

If princes and dukes can keep the Tao,

Everything in the world will change naturally

When change and rising to desire,

Let it be restrained by the Nameless pristine simplicity.

The Nameless pristine simplicity

Is stripped of desire .

By stripping of desire quiescence is achieved,

And the world arrives at peace of its own accord.”

— Tao Te Ching, Chapter 37

“The Tao often seems to do nothing, but then it seems to do everything. If the leader can hold on to such a Tao, all things under heaven will be naturally nurtured in it. In this process of nurturing, various needs or desires will also arise. At this time, I will remain secure in the unnamed root. When this unnameable root is kept, those needs and desires will slowly subside, and all things will begin to be purified, and the world will naturally return to peace and tranquillity.”

— Translation of Topal

Part I.: The Problem (Origins)

Seventy-eight years have passed since the United Nations was founded in 1945. The United Nations has played an extremely important role in the international arena, particularly in maintaining world peace and providing relief to the disadvantaged, and has made tremendous achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. Over the past 70 years, the UN, its specialized agencies, funds, programmes and staff have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 12 times. This is irrefutable proof of the enormous contribution and outstanding achievements of the United Nations to the peace and stability of human society. Because of this, the international reputation and international influence of the UN has grown. 2018 saw the ultimate in global credibility and authority when all 193 undisputed sovereign states around the world became members of the UN.

However, what needs to be confronted is this. As the influence of the UN reaches every corner of the planet, instead of further enhancing and strengthening its positive role, the UN is showing a clear weakness and helplessness. Whether in addressing global climate issues, global hunger, regional conflicts or refugee issues. All appear to be weak and ineffective. In particular, the global pandemic of the new epidemic and the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war have put the UN in a dilemma of increasing passivity, making it very difficult and embarrassing. No matter how much effort or how long it takes, these problems are like bottomless pits that cannot be filled.

Next, let us take the most urgent and serious issue of global warming as an example to see why it is said that humanity has come to an extremely dangerous edge. Why it is said that going on with the existing mechanism and trajectory of the United Nations will only be futile and will not solve any human crisis at all.

1. The death of global climate

The global warming question and the accelerated deterioration of the earth’s ecology are the primary problems that human society can’t wait to solve. Since 1951, the World Meteorological Organization has been a specialized agency of the United Nations. The United Nations has made unremitting efforts for more than half a century to this end. The UN, in a state of “paperwork and meetings”, holds thousands of meetings around the world every day, more than half of which are related to climate issues. The following important agreements were finally reached.

In 1992, 《the United Nations Framework Convention》 on Climate Change was signed, with 197 countries worldwide becoming parties.

In 1995, 《the Kyoto Protocol》 was formally adopted, with 192 countries becoming parties.

In 2016, 《the Paris Agreement》 was formally signed. Currently, 191 countries have become parties.

In 2021, the joint communiqué of 《the Glasgow Climate Convention 》was published, with nearly 200 parties.

Of these, the Paris Agreement and the Glasgow Climate Convention are particularly important. The overriding consensus is to limit global warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century.

But we have to face up to the reality that on our planet, the average global temperature has risen by 0.85°C between 1880 and 2012. in 2021, the average global temperature is 1.1°C higher than it was in 1880. that is, in less than 10 years, the average temperature has risen by 0.26°C. There is no doubt that warming is accelerating. At this rate, perhaps the threshold of 1.5°C will be breached before 2050.

And even with a rise of only 1.1°C, the extreme weather changes on the planet are already causing unprecedented discomfort and panic to be felt by all. There is a serious threat to human life, property and lives.

On 24 January 2019,, temperatures in Adelaide, Australia reached 46.6°C, breaking an 80-year record. Waiala 48.5°C, Leigh Creek 46.9°C and Port Augusta 49.1°C, all breaking all-time highs. The high temperatures caused a large number of wildlife deaths, including a third of the Australian spectacled fox bats in two days.

2020 is the warmest year on record in Asia. 38.0°C in Verkhoyansk, Russia, which is the highest known temperature north of the Arctic Circle. The first recorded rainfall, rather than snow, at the summit of the Greenland Ice Sheet. During one of the many heat waves in the south-western United States, one of which brought temperatures to 54.4°C in Death Valley, California.

Fig.1 National Weather Service High Temperature Forecast for June 1, 2021

In June 2021, an intense heat wave not seen in a thousand years swept across the west coast of North America. Portland, Oregon, set a new record of 41.7°C for the third day in a row. The state’s cities of Eugene, 43.8°C, and Salem, 45°C, both set record highs. Canada also saw extreme heat, with Leighton, British Columbia breaking the heat record for the third day in a row at 49.5°C. In July, record-breaking heavy rainfall hit Zhengzhou, China. More than 200mm of rain fell in one hour, almost as much as a year’s worth of rainfall in a single day.

In March 2022, the Kanger Ice Shelf in East Antarctica, covering an area of about 1,200 square kilometres, collapsed, the first time in human history that an ice shelf had collapsed in a cold region. on 3 July, Tokyo metropolis experienced nine consecutive days of high temperatures above 35°C, setting a record for continuous high temperatures on consecutive days since meteorological records began in 1875. on 6 July, 22 meteorological stations in China had temperatures exceeding historical extremes . The northwestern city of Zhangye set a new record high of 40.3°C, beating the record high of 39.8°C set on 14 July 2001.

Likewise this year, just as this letter was issued, A terrible heatwave is hitting South America, with Chile creating one of the hottest periods of hot weather on record and fierce wildfires. Huge plumes of smoke from the fires can be seen from space.

Fig. 2, Heatwave and wildfires in South America photographed from space, January 2023

Today, human society’s knowledge of global climate change is, shall we say, much deeper than it was 10 years ago. Even if there are still differences of one kind or another in academic circles, there is a growing global social consensus on the central point of curbing global temperature rise. One can perceive the fact that there has been such a significant climate anomaly in this decade, when global temperatures have still only risen by 0.26°C. If it were to rise by a further 0.4°C on top of this, it is anyone’s guess as to how severe the human impact of global climate extremes will be. In any case, the severity of the climate extremes caused by rising temperatures greatly exceeds the predictions of climate authorities and experts. Therefore, until new scientific evidence is found that conclusively proves that global climate change is not linked to human activity. Ensuring that global temperatures do not rise by more than 1.5°C by 2100 should be a goal that the human community, and the United Nations, should strive for in every way possible.

Fig. 3 Image of thawing snow-capped mountains at high Arctic altitude in Norway taken in 2015

However, unfortunately, the reality is that there is little chance of achieving this goal if we continue to move forward on the path and model of the UN’s existing settlement.

(to be continued)

The English translation is mainly done by AI and is inevitably not accurate enough. Please refer to the original Chinese text below for a more accurate understanding.


— — 致联合国秘书长古特雷斯及全球贤达的公开信


— — 《道德经》第37章


— — Topal译释
















图1 美国国家气象局 2021 年 6 月 1 日高温预报



今年也同样,就在发布此信之际,可怕的热浪正在袭击南美洲,智利创造了有记录以来最热的一段高温天气,并发生了猛烈的野火。 从太空中可以看到大火产生的巨大烟雾。

图2 2023年2月太空拍摄的南美洲热浪和大火


图3 2015年拍摄的挪威高海拔北极雪山解冻图片






Written by Metatopal

Founder of Babaoshu GameFi Founding designer of Famland Metaverse CSO of CNET Blockchain Let everyone on earth live a decent and dignified life

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