The Need and Feasibility of the UN to Lead the Human Community in Creating a Digital Planet(005)

7 min readFeb 14, 2023


— An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres and Global

In this vicious circle, over time, the United Nations has become so ineffective in almost everything that even its Charter has become unsustainable. Article 3 of the UN’s purpose clearly states “to achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character.” There is no doubt that the United Nations is fulfilling this purpose in all the above-mentioned areas where money is needed. However, the so-called function of “promoting international cooperation” can be seen as a complete failure and a total failure.

Fig. 18 Cost of Study vs. Pell Grants for US College Students

In August 2022, the US government announced a plan to reduce student debt.

The US government believes that the increase in the cost of studying at university greatly outweighs the increase in the federal foundation grant, the Pell Grant. As a result, there are over 45 million students with increasing debt. The total accumulated debt has now reached US$1.6 trillion. This relief scheme will help up to 43 million students. Of these, 27 million would receive up to $20,000 in relief and the rest up to $10,000. This is a cost of at least US$600 billion.

There is really nothing wrong with a government addressing the financial difficulties of students in its own country. But it is heartbreaking to see it in the context of the funding woes that the UN is currently experiencing. On the one hand, the 43 million university students in the United States need more than US$600 billion to help alleviate their debt; on the other hand, the UN is begging the world’s richest man to donate US$6.6 billion to save the lives of 42 million hungry people. On the scales of the global human community, is it more important to forgive a student’s debt or to save a poor man’s life? Any earthling with a conscience can only feel a deep sense of injustice and resentment when faced with this comparison.

It makes no sense for the UN to force a donation from an individual, even if he is the richest man in the world. But it is justifiable for the UN to force donations to the US government. After all, it is nations, not individuals, that form the UN. Article 2 of the UN’s purposes: “To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples”. How do we understand “respect for the equal rights of peoples” at the international level? Is the right of peoples to live the first and equal right that should be respected internationally. Suppose the UN could persuade the US government to allocate even 1% of the cost of this debt relief to help the world’s hungry. The UN’s “enabling international cooperation” and “respect for the equal rights of people” would not have been a name or a complete failure.

And Article 1 of the purposes of the United Nations: “To maintain international peace and security; and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace; and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace.” The core of this first article is, to put it bluntly, the suppression of war and the avoidance of war. This is the fundamental purpose for which the United Nations was established by the international community after the Second World War. Since its establishment, the United Nations has won so many Nobel Peace Prizes precisely because it has made its due contribution to this fundamental purpose. However, this fundamental purpose has become increasingly impossible for the UN to uphold at a later stage, and after the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian war, the authority, deterrence, binding force and even deterrent effect of this fundamental purpose have all disappeared.

Fig. 19 Guterres tweet to stop Russia-Ukraine war, 24 February 2022
Fig. 20 Guterres tweet on ICJ ruling, 17 March 2022

It is fair to say that when the war broke out in full on 24 February 2022, Guterres had a very short time to characterise the nature of the war. On 17 March, the UN-affiliated International Court of Justice promptly issued a ruling demanding that Russia “immediately cease its military operations in Ukraine”. It was still not binding.

Fig. 21 Statement by Guterres on the official UN website, 22 March 2022

Having to do so, on 22 March 2022, Guterres made a formal speech, once again stating clearly that it was Russia that had launched a massive invasion of Ukraine’s sovereign territory in violation of the UN Charter. Great damage was done to Ukrainian sovereignty and Russia was expected to stop its military action. It remains ineffective.

Fig. 22 Guterres’ tweet calling for a ceasefire, 29 March 2022

Guterres had no choice but to call for a humanitarian ceasefire, no matter what. We should negotiate to solve the problem and avoid further casualties. It was clear that Guterres had thought of everything he could think of and used all the tricks he could. Later, a meeting with Putin was also held. But to this day, not only has the war between Russia and Ukraine not stopped, but it is even continuing to escalate.

To solve the global climate problem, the developed countries have pledged $100 billion a year, and the result is nothing short of an unbearable international joke. To solve the global hunger, refugee and humanitarian problems, the developed countries are not even willing to make commitments. Even though Guterres has pleaded and begged countless times on Twitter and the official website, and even resorted to the International Court of Justice, they have all turned a blind eye and remained indifferent to solving the Russian-Ukrainian war and regional conflicts. What is the value and meaning of the UN’s existence now that it has failed to maintain its three most central and fundamental purposes? Once the global functions and role of the UN are lost, human society as a whole will no longer simply return to the pre-World War II era, but will return to a primitive civilisation where the law of the jungle prevails and the fittest survive. For the global epidemic crisis and the global climate crisis are unprecedented before the Second World War, and the global nuclear war crisis is even more unlikely to occur before the Second World War. If any one of these crises gets out of hand, humanity will face extinction.

The saddest thing is that the vast majority of people around the world are not aware of these facts. There is a persistent belief that the UN can solve all these crises, or that the UN is solving them. And the UN has no money, and “a clever woman cannot cook without rice.”The UN can only feed on illusions. As in the previous description of the self-defeating way in which the UN is addressing the global climate problem, we acknowledge that the UN is helpless too. But is it really ethical to keep people all over the world in the dark. Or should we reveal the truth and face up to reality?

That reality is that the United Nations, the guardian of the global civilisational order, the guardian of global human peace, the promoter of global international cooperation. Today, both her role, her function and her purpose have been stifled little by little by money, and she is cease to exist except in name.

(to be continued)

The English translation is mainly done by AI and is inevitably not accurate enough. Please refer to the original Chinese text below for a more accurate understanding.


— — 致联合国秘书长古特雷斯及全球贤达的公开信


图18 美国大学生学习成本与佩尔奖学金对比图


美国政府认为,大学学习成本的增幅,大大超过了联邦基础助学金 — — 佩尔奖学金的增幅。因此,有超过4500万学生的债务在不断增加。目前,累计债务总额已经达到1.6 万亿美元。这项减免计划将帮助到4300万学生。其中,2700万人可获得最高2万美元减免,其余人可获得最高1万美元减免。这笔费用至少在6000亿美元以上。




图19 2022年2月24日古特雷斯阻止俄乌战争推文
图20 2022年3月17日古特雷斯关于国际法院裁决推文


图21 2022年3月22日古特雷斯在联合国官网声明


图22 2022年3月29日古特雷斯呼吁停火推文









Written by Metatopal

Founder of Babaoshu GameFi Founding designer of Famland Metaverse CSO of CNET Blockchain Let everyone on earth live a decent and dignified life

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