The Need and Feasibility of the UN to Lead the Human Community in Creating a Digital Planet(009)

7 min readFeb 28, 2023


— An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres and Global Sages

5,Cognition of Self-Rescue

In order for the United Nations to self-rescue and avoid being devoured and strangled by the morally corrupt old financial behemoth of capitalism, it can only become a stronger new financial behemoth that prints and uses its own money. If the financial system under capitalism is a “Tyrannosaurus Rex,” then the new financial system that the United Nations seeks to achieve in order to self-rescue should be no less than a “Cangosaurus.” Moreover, it should be a giant “Cangosaurus” that is in line with morals and benefits human society.

But how is this possible? Under the current capitalist system, global financial oligarchs have already divided up their respective financial spheres of influence, and they will not tolerate others taking even a single slice of their pie, let alone allowing the United Nations to create a new financial system and print new money. This is indeed a fact.

However, what if the new money printed by the United Nations for the new financial system is different from the old financial system’s money?

Or, what if the United Nations prints money without touching the vested interests of the old financial system?

Furthermore, what if the old financial system is not aware of the money printed by the United Nations yet?

Moreover, what if the money printed by the United Nations not only does not touch the vested interests of the old financial system but also expands the old financial system’s profit channels?

In the year 1023, before the Chinese Song Emperor Renzong issued the world’s first “guan jiao zi” (official exchange certificate), no one could have imagined that a piece of paper could replace silver. In 1606, before the world’s first stock was issued on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange, no one could have imagined that a piece of paper could be worth 6.5 million Dutch guilders. In 1971, before Nixon announced the US dollar would no longer be tied to gold, no one could have imagined that humanity could freely print money without being anchored to any precious metal.

Human Cognition understanding of money has been constantly changing. Each transformation has brought about a qualitative leap in the global economy. Our Cognition of money today is still formed hundreds of years ago. Is it time for us to change this?

Printing money for the United Nations is not difficult, nor is it difficult to make the printed money valuable. The most difficult part is changing the Cognition. The vast majority of the following content and concepts may be unheard of, and may seem unimaginable. The purpose of discussing these is not to make people believe, which is impossible, but to make everyone clear about the deductive logic of the entire cognitive system. It is how we arrived at the conclusion of constructing a digital earth, printing moral money on this digital earth, and ultimately allowing the United Nations to achieve self-rescue and humanity to achieve self-rescue.

Whether the logic, reasoning, and examples used here are valid, and whether the deductive process is self-consistent, is up to each person’s judgement. If you think my logic is not self-consistent, then take me as an example and try to deduce a more self-consistent understanding or story of your own. As more and more people adopt this understanding, a digital earth will be built imperceptibly, and moral money will be continuously created. The self-rescue of the United Nations, as well as the self-rescue of human society, can be achieved smoothly.

5.1 Framework of Cognition

The framework of cognition refers to the understanding of the overall trend, including the trend of era development, social development, economic development, and so on. Once we can see these trends clearly, our cognitive framework is established, and subsequent core and substantial cognition will have a foundation. The basic logic of this cognitive framework is that:

To print new money and create a new financial system, there must be a corresponding new wealth system or value system. Without such a system, whether it is new money or new finance, it is a tree without roots or water without a source. It is not sustainable, nor can it form a healthy and sustainable new economic ecosystem. The development and progress of the new era, new society, and new economy will inevitably bring about changes in the wealth system. As long as we can correctly understand the trend of the times, the direction of society, and the overall economic trends, we can create a new wealth or value system that conforms to human civilization and progress.

Bitcoin and Ethereum’s digital currency are also new money printed in the new era. Over the past decade, the reason why they have struggled and experienced ups and downs is precisely because they have not yet established a corresponding new wealth or value system. The crux of the problem lies in the lack of “trust-based cognition.”

5.2.1 Civilization Transformation

More than 40 years ago, Alvin Toffler’s “The Third Wave” was published, and its ideas continue to resonate today. He believed that the first wave was the agricultural revolution, which gave rise to agrarian civilization; the second wave was the industrial revolution, which gave rise to industrial civilization. We are now experiencing the third wave, the information revolution, which will once again give rise to a new civilization. Many of the predictions in the book, such as the electronic revolution, working from home, DIY, big data, multimedia, fragmented culture, and integrated production and marketing, were previously unheard of concepts. Today, they have miraculously come to fruition one by one. However, there is still no formation of definitive conclusions on what the new civilization that the third wave will give rise to is and what its value and significance for human society’s development and progress are. More than 40 years have passed, and humanity seems to have not reached a consensus on this issue.

This Cognition is extremely important, as it determines whether we can create a new wealth system in this era, what the new wealth system will look like, and how to create it. There is no doubt that this has profound implications for the self-rescue of the United Nations, human self-rescue, and the self-rescue of the Earth.

On September 26, 1792, the British government sent a delegation led by Lord George Macartney to China under the pretext of celebrating Emperor Qianlong’s 80th birthday. The British delegation presented the Emperor with the most advanced industrial civilization achievements of the time, including “celestial globes, terrestrial globes, Herschel telescopes, Parker lenses… industrial machines such as steam engines and looms, as well as weapons such as rifles and repeating pistols.” Unfortunately, Emperor Qianlong did not realize that human society was undergoing a transformation from the agrarian civilization era to the industrial civilization era. This led to a missed opportunity to recognize the industrial revolution and embrace industrial civilization, which in turn led to China, which had dominated human society’s wealth for more than 2,000 years, falling into the ranks of impoverished and weak backward countries in just 100–200 years.

This example illustrates that when human society begins to enter a new civilization, no matter how powerful an empire built on the foundation of the old civilization may be, its collapse is almost instantaneous. The speed and scale of the rise of the new civilization will far exceed the imagination of the old civilization. Here, speed and scale primarily refer to the growth rate and growth scale of the new civilization’s new wealth system.

Fig. 38 British cartoon of Magalny’s audience with Qianlong

If what Toffler said is not unfounded, human society is undergoing a transition from the industrial civilization era to the information civilization era. As the representative of the industrial civilization era, the United States, along with its capitalist economic system and financial system, is bound to decline. The new civilization will inevitably have its own new economic system and financial system, which is the new wealth system and value system we mentioned earlier. As long as the United Nations recognizes this, it can not only save itself, but also lead human society to a comprehensive transformation to a new civilization. Isn’t this the greatest mission and value of the United Nations?

Whether Toffler’s description of the third wave exists and whether human society is indeed entering a new civilization era are questions that have been studied continuously for more than 20 years. We have made many new discoveries and cognition through our research. The civilization, civilization era, and civilization transformation we are referring to here are based on Adam Smith’s “Four Stages Theory” which divides human social development into “hunting society, pastoral society, agricultural society, and commercial society”. The hunting and pastoral society stages are attributed to the “primitive civilization” era, the agricultural society stage is attributed to the “agricultural civilization” era, and the commercial society stage is attributed to the “industrial civilization” era. The transformation of these social stages is defined as “civilization transformation”.

(To be continued)

The English translation is mainly done by AI and is inevitably not accurate enough. Please refer to the original Chinese text below for a more accurate understanding.












5.1 认知的框架




5.2.1 文明转型


他认为,第一次浪潮是农业革命,引发了农耕文明;第二次浪潮是工业革命,引发了工业文明。我们现在正在经历第三次浪潮的信息革命,将再次引发出一种新文明。书中的很多预言,譬如,电子革命、在家工作、DIY、大数据、多媒体、碎片文化、产销合一…… 这些以前闻所未闻的新概念。今天,都神奇般的一一应验了。但是,第三次浪潮引发的新文明是什么,它对人类社会的发展和进步究竟有着什么样的价值和意义。40多年过去了,人类似乎并没就此达成共识。




图29 英国人绘制的马嘎尔尼觐见乾隆漫画



我们这里所指的文明、文明时代、文明转型,是基于亚当·斯密将人类社会发展,划分为“狩猎社会、游牧社会、农业社会和商业社会”的“四阶段理论”( FourStages theory)。将狩猎与游牧社会阶段,归属为“原始文明”时代,农业社会阶段归属“农耕文明”时代,商业社会阶段归属“工业文明”时代。将这些社会阶段的转型定义为“文明转型”。





Written by Metatopal

Founder of Babaoshu GameFi Founding designer of Famland Metaverse CSO of CNET Blockchain Let everyone on earth live a decent and dignified life

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