The Need and Feasibility of the UN to Lead the Human Community in Creating a Digital Planet(019)

10 min readMar 28, 2023


— An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres and Global Sages

5.2.5 Native and Derived Wealth of the Digital Earth

In 2023, Bernard Arnault replaced Elon Musk as the world’s richest man. Since 2018, the Frenchman who runs LVMH has consistently ranked in the top 5 of the Forbes global billionaire list. The top 10 are mostly Americans who operate in high-tech industries, so Bernard Arnault is a bit of an outlier. After the global pandemic in 3 years, more than 90% of the world’s real economy has experienced a significant decline in assets. However, as a real economy group, LVMH’s assets have not only not declined, but have actually increased. This is quite strange. The question is, is LVMH really a real economy group?

Of course not, its main wealth value lies in virtual assets, which is reflected in the value of its many luxury brands. Taking an LV bag that sells for $2,100 as an example, its practical value as a real economy is no more than $100 (the entire manufacturing cost of this bag in China is less than $50). The added value of $2,000 comes entirely from its brand value. As a luxury brand, it undoubtedly meets people’s spiritual needs. People who use this bag, whether to show their identity, flaunt their wealth, or pursue a certain taste, are all satisfying their spiritual needs. Therefore, fundamentally speaking, LVMH is an economic entity that produces spiritual goods. Of course, some of its products also satisfy people’s material needs, although the value of this part is extremely low, it still exists. Therefore, we tentatively call it “quasi-spiritual goods.” Like De Beers diamonds, they are also “quasi-spiritual goods.” All luxury brands and all jewelry companies in the world actually produce “quasi-spiritual goods.” The main function of such goods is to satisfy people’s spiritual needs, not material needs.

If we call the value that satisfies people’s material needs in these products “native wealth,” then the value that satisfies people’s spiritual needs can be called “derived wealth.” For example, De Beers diamonds purely satisfy people’s spiritual needs. They do not have any practical components that satisfy people’s material needs. For this type of product, we regard the value of its material cost as “native wealth.” The added value of the brand that satisfies spiritual needs is “derived wealth.” Furthermore, a gold mine that has been explored is valued as “native wealth.” After processing it into gold jewelry, gold necklaces, and gold ornaments, the added value that is reflected is “derived wealth.” In general, all material resources on Earth represent “native wealth.” The value of products and goods produced using these resources, their added value, represents “derived wealth.”

To avoid ambiguity, we define the concepts of “native wealth” and “derived wealth” as follows: Broadly speaking, “native wealth” refers to all wealth values that cannot be further enhanced or that can be further enhanced but have not yet been enhanced. The narrow definition of “native wealth” refers only to the value of exploitable raw resources, including material and spiritual resources. Broadly speaking, “derived wealth” refers to all additional wealth values created based on the existing value basis. The narrow definition of “derived wealth” refers only to the additional value created by improving the spiritual or material attributes of a product.

According to the above definition, let us make it clear. The human spiritual resources contained in the digital earth are the native wealth on the digital earth. On the digital earth, the spiritual products and commodities developed and innovated using these spiritual resources are all derived wealth. Whether it is native wealth or derived wealth, its form of expression is NFT. To be precise, it is a NFT of new wealth across civilizations.

After Goerl gave a precise concept of the Digital Earth, which is completely different from our physical Earth, we still use the term “Digital Earth” for comparison and cognition with the physical Earth. Both the native wealth and the derived wealth can find corresponding cases on the physical Earth to illustrate.

Fig. 56: Comparison of the value between the Digital Earth and the physical Earth

Fig. 56 not only reflects the difference in value but also mainly the difference in the economic ecology between the Digital Earth and the physical Earth. Here, a rough introduction to this ecological difference is given.

In the physical Earth, there is the concept of “private land,” and people have property rights to “private land.” There is no doubt that the physical Earth came first, and then came “private land.” Therefore, the “property right” of this “private land” is not an inherent right but is granted by the state or group and can also be deprived by the state or group. On “private land,” houses can be built for human physical habitation. Then, the land value can be understood as native wealth, and the value of the house on it can be understood as derived wealth.

The concept that corresponds to “private land” in the Digital Earth is “private territory.” Note that “private territory” came first, and then came the Digital Earth. Therefore, the “wealth sovereignty” represented by “private territory” is an inherent right that does not require anyone’s grant and cannot be deprived of anyone. On “private territory,” “private portals” can be created for human spiritual or soul habitation. The native wealth is reflected in “private territory,” and the derived wealth is reflected in “private portals.”

As mentioned earlier, all the material resources contained on Earth are native wealth on the Earth. Products processed and produced using these material resources, whether they are houses, cars, airplanes, or ships, are all derived wealth. Obviously, the distribution of native wealth in the physical Earth is extremely unfair. Although the value of derived wealth is much higher than that of native wealth, it is ultimately limited. The price of any product or commodity has a limit, and it cannot increase indefinitely.

Returning to the Digital Earth, everything becomes interesting. First of all, native wealth in the Digital Earth is completely equally distributed. Anyone who participates in building the Digital Earth, regardless of whether they come early or late, can get a “private territory (NFT)” for free as long as they participate. The private domain territories of millions of people are connected to form the Digital Earth. Therefore, the reason why the Digital Earth must be jointly built by millions of people is that the Digital Earth is constructed using everyone’s private territory. Everyone is a creator and owner of the Digital Earth. Human spiritual resources in the Digital Earth can be understood as equally distributed in every private territory. Therefore, the value of native wealth that each person participating in building the Digital Earth can obtain is exactly the same.

The significance of this is self-evident. If we explore all the material resources contained in the physical Earth and distribute them completely fairly to every person globally, including babies born later, people can dispose of this native wealth freely, such as pledging, renting, or selling. Then, the disparity between the rich and the poor in our human society would not be as severe as it is now.

Next, the value of wealth on the digital earth can grow infinitely. This is because on the digital earth, both native and derivative wealth are digital wealth, which can be changed at any time and without limit. However, material wealth cannot. For example, if you have a 200-square-meter apartment on the 10th floor of a building on the Bund in Shanghai on the material earth, you cannot increase it to 220 square meters or change it to the 18th floor without harming the interests of others. But in the digital earth, it is different. I can expand the area from 200 to 220 square meters and change the location from the 10th floor to the 18th floor as long as I comply with the rules and do not harm the interests of others. This kind of change is just a change in data, and the change in data is infinite. If this change can bring value growth, then this growth also has infinity.

This division of native and derivative wealth, and the design of fairness and infinity, has laid a solid foundation for the United Nations to build a new economic ecology with infinite value on the digital earth. In this new economic ecology, the United Nations will print money, or issue a new currency, which we call YL. The essence of YL is a numerically stable human achievement value measurement index. At our current stage, we can understand it as a decentralized algorithmic stable coin.

On the digital earth, native wealth supports the initial value of YL, and its value is reflected in the amount of YL. Derivative wealth supports the value of spiritual goods, that is, NFT, whose value is reflected in the price of NFT, which is measured in YL. Therefore, market trading demand and the value of derivative wealth also support the sustained value of YL in the middle and late stages. All digital earth citizens are both issuers and users of YL, both consumers and producers of NFT. This is the new economic model reflected in the previous Figure 55. Such a self-circulating new economic ecology has not yet appeared in the current digital currency field. This is the essential difference between the cross-civilization new wealth NFT system and other NFT and digital currency systems.

When people buy an NFT for their spiritual needs, they are consumers. Since this NFT has value-cultivating properties, they can also increase its value according to the rules after purchase, and become producers again. Their value-cultivation process is actually the process of creating derivative wealth. The value increase of derivative wealth is only a change in digits. But these digits are controlled by encryption algorithms, and no one can cheat, and the market consensus is not easy to break. With the continuous growth of the value of this NFT, the new economic ecology can issue more YL. More YL will incentivize more people to create NFT and cultivate NFT, and the market will have more new and higher-level NFTs. New and high-level NFTs will drive the overall value of the new economic ecology to rise, and further issuance of YL is needed…and the cycle continues. Here, let us make a comparison with LVMH mentioned earlier to deepen our understanding.

Fig. 57: LVMH’s revenue growth chart over the years

As shown in Fig. 57, LVMH’s revenue has continued to rise for over a decade. The key to its success lies in producing “luxury goods that cater to people’s spiritual needs.” For example, even if a family has a lot of money, it’s unlikely that they will buy dozens of refrigerators to put in their home. However, wealthy individuals can buy dozens, hundreds, or even more LV bags without any issue because these bags satisfy their spiritual needs. Therefore, as long as LVMH’s luxury brand image does not collapse and there are no higher-level competitors, its revenue growth is virtually limitless (although there is still a limit, just a high one).

The growth of LVMH’s wealth value mainly depends on the increasing number of luxury goods it produces. For instance, if LVMH sold 100,000 bags last year and sold 110,000 bags this year, its growth rate would be 10%. However, the value of each bag cannot increase further once it is sold. Assuming LVMH can innovate a new economic model using LV bags as an example, which can achieve the following three points: First, the LV bags sold will never wear out; Second, the LV bags sold will not only not depreciate, but will increase in value by more than 10% each year; Third, build a global LV bag trading market where LV bags can be liquidated at any time. If these three points can be achieved, then this new economic model for LV bags will have no ceiling. Of course, LVMH cannot create such a new economic model in the material world under any circumstances.

However, it is possible to achieve this in the digital world and the NFT new wealth system. The model we are building is precisely such a benign and sustainable loop of infinite value new economic ecological model. All the above three points can be achieved here. It is not difficult to imagine that once people no longer use luxury goods to showcase their status, wealth, and taste, but instead use NFTs, LVMH’s road to wealth growth will likely come to an end. This trend has already emerged. The construction of the NFT new wealth system on the digital earth will turn this trend into a mainstream social trend.

Infinite value, sustainable development, and benign health. These new economic characteristics are beyond the imagination of our traditional economy. However, due to the fundamental changes in the scene of wealth creation and even the nature of wealth value, it is possible to create such new economic miracles on the digital earth. This fundamental change in the nature of wealth value will not only lead to changes in the entire human civilization but will also directly change the attributes of traditional financial capital. This is why the new economic ecology of the digital earth has the fundamental reason to completely change the attributes of traditional finance and traditional economy.

(to be continued)

The English translation is mainly done by AI and is inevitably not accurate enough. Please refer to the original Chinese text below for a more accurate understanding.


— — 致联合国秘书长古特雷斯及全球贤达的公开信

5.2.5 数字地球的原生财富和派生财富







图56 数字地球与物质地球价值对比图














图57 LVMH历年营收增长曲线图








Written by Metatopal

Founder of Babaoshu GameFi Founding designer of Famland Metaverse CSO of CNET Blockchain Let everyone on earth live a decent and dignified life

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