The Need and Feasibility of the UN to Lead the Human Community in Creating a Digital Planet(020)

8 min readMar 30, 2023


— An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres and Global Sages

5.2.6 Subverting the Nature of Wealth Value in the Digital Earth

Since the birth of modern capitalism hundreds of years ago, while greatly promoting the development of human material civilization, it has also brought a series of problems, such as alienation of human nature, unfair distribution, excessive exploitation of natural resources leading to ecological deterioration of the earth, and economic crises. These problems have become more and more serious as time goes on. To the extent that we initially believed in this open letter that capitalism is strangling the United Nations. Throughout the history of the development of capitalism for hundreds of years, human society has constantly tried various methods of reform and improvement, but as Secretary-General Guterres pointed out, modern capitalism has at least morally decayed. So how can we rebuild a new economic system on the digital earth of the metaverse today, and ensure that it does not follow in the footsteps of capitalism, and does not become another morally depraved behemoth?

Of course, we have fully considered this point. Because from the beginning, we have been emphasizing that the new economy must create moral money, and print moral money. The simplest understanding is that the new economic system and the capitalist economic system have essential differences in terms of their capital attributes.

On the material earth, the value of wealth is realized through possession. Whether it is a house, a car, a stock, an antique, or a work of art, it must be possessed. Under the premise of possession, the rarer this form of wealth is and the greater the market demand, the higher its value. We call this “possession-type wealth”.

In the digital earth, the value of wealth is realized through sharing. Whether it is music, painting, movies, dramas, or TV shows, it must be shared. Under the premise of sharing, the more popular this form of wealth is and the higher the consensus among people, the higher its value. We call this “sharing-type wealth”.

Material wealth belongs to the possession type, while spiritual wealth belongs to the sharing type.

Fig. 58: The Subversive Nature of Wealth Value between Material Earth and Digital Earth

Capital itself is neither good nor evil, and its natural attribute is profit-seeking. Under the guidance of a competitive profit-seeking mechanism, it embodies the evil attributes of shortsightedness, cruelty, and bloodthirstiness. Under the guidance of a sharing profit-seeking mechanism, it also has to embody the kind attributes of tolerance, harmony, mutual benefit, and win-win.

On material Earth, because material wealth dominates, possessive views of wealth influence people’s values. In order to maximize their wealth value, people prefer to own as little as possible, ideally monopolizing it. To achieve the goal of ownership by a few (shareholders) or exclusive ownership, people must fight each other and compete. From competition, to struggle, to war. In this process, the relationship between people is greatly opposed, a zero-sum game, where one person’s gain is another’s loss. Society is filled with distorted and even perverted human phenomena such as the survival of the fittest, deceit, and fraud, forming the foundation of evil human nature under the capitalist system.

In the digital Earth, sharing wealth will dominate. In the pursuit of profit, people must share and seek greater consensus. Sharing and seeking consensus require the other’s inner and spiritual recognition. Only when I care about him, help him, satisfy him, have value and meaning to him, will he recognize and have consensus. This will inevitably create an interpersonal atmosphere of mutual benefit, cooperation, and win-win, where I am for everyone and everyone is for me. In this process, the relationship between people will be thoroughly improved. The foundation of evil human nature is lost, and the foundation of kind human nature emerges. At this time, the beautiful attributes of true goodness and love will be presented by capital.

The subversive nature of wealth value makes capital, in order to pursue profit, have to transform from “bloodthirsty” capital to “kind” capital. Under market economy conditions, these different capital attributes will inevitably create completely different economic ecological models.

“The world’s richest 26 people own as much wealth as half the global population.” “Since the pandemic began, the wealth of the world’s top 10 billionaires has doubled. Due to the pandemic, 99% of human income has worsened.” This is the current status of the traditional economic ecology on material Earth. The reason for this is determined by the possessive attribute of wealth. In order to pursue profit, capital can only choose to help the party with the strongest possession, and abandon the party with the weaker possession. This is what Guterres said: it helps the rich and punishes the poor. Therefore, the group with weaker possession can only continue to seek outside for survival. Due to the lack of funding and technical support, they can only crudely exploit the earth’s material resources and accelerate carbon emissions, leading to further deterioration of the earth’s ecological environment. As the earth’s ecological environment further deteriorates, the weaker possession of the weak possession group seeking outside becomes even weaker. When the possession is weaker, they can only exploit and emit more crudely… This is the vicious cycle of traditional economic ecology in human society on material Earth.

Fig. 59: Guterres’ tweet on Pakistan floods on September 9, 2022

As shown in the picture above, Guterres believes that Pakistan has suffered greatly from the devastating floods caused by climate change, yet has not made any contribution to addressing climate change. Pakistan would argue that we cannot even feed ourselves without funds, resources, and technology, and our only hope now is to prevent more than 200 million people from starving to death. Reduce emissions? We simply don’t have that ability. Can the United Nations give us money or food to prevent more than 200 million people from starving? No. Undoubtedly, this is a one-way street, and ultimately, the poor, the rich, and the material Earth will all perish together.

In the digital Earth, this situation has completely changed. Capital is still driven by profits, but it cannot choose to help a few people; it must choose to help the vast majority of people. This is determined by the sharing nature of wealth. Because only by helping the group that is most likely to produce the most extensive sharing can the maximum consensus be obtained and the maximum value of wealth be created. The most basic understanding of this can be seen in the Metcalfe’s Law, which has been widely verified in the Internet era.

Fig. 60: Metcalfe’s Law

Metcalfe’s Law states that the value of a network is equal to the square of the number of nodes in the network, and the value of the network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users. This means that the more users there are, the greater the value of the network. However, in the Internet era, because the value of the network is still exclusive and monopolistic, the property of wealth still belongs to the possession type. In the new economic ecosystem of the digital Earth, value is shared, and everyone can fairly obtain this value. Capital helping a group to maximize means building maximum consensus and creating maximum value. This maximum value will be shared by the maximum group, and this value-sharing effect will attract more people to enter, and the value will be further maximized…

This is the infinite value and virtuous circle of the new economic ecosystem mentioned earlier. This new economic ecosystem model is no longer just an idea or a concept, but has already been put into practice. All the concepts, views, designs, and models mentioned above have been developed into concrete product forms and constructed into implementable business models. Therefore, if there is any unclear or incomprehensible point in the above understanding, combined with the detailed planning and specific process in the implementation plan later, I believe that a more objective and true experience can be obtained.

The core part of cognition is mainly these contents. For the convenience of everyone’s cognition and understanding, we will summarize briefly again.

In order for the United Nations to live up to its name and fulfill its own beliefs and missions, it must have an independent economic system. However, this system cannot be achieved in the Realverse, but only in the metaverse. To build a new economic system in the metaverse, cognitive problems must be addressed first.

First, it is necessary to understand what the metaverse and the digital earth are. Our understanding of the metaverse has three major differences from others in the industry. Firstly, the metaverse is independent and does not rely on the Realverse. Secondly, the metaverse has a clear division of labor with the Realverse. Thirdly, the metaverse is the home of human spirit and soul.

The digital earth, including other types of digital planets, needs to be jointly constructed by humans. The principles of construction include decentralization, complete openness, bottom-up approach, value cultivation, and value equality.

Secondly, it is necessary to understand how the value of the metaverse and the digital earth is derived. Under the premise of the universe’s division of labor, AI produces material wealth, while human beings produce spiritual wealth. Material wealth is limited, while spiritual wealth is infinite. This infinite wealth has a greater temptation for capital, can attract traditional capital, and lock them into the cage of the new system, making it impossible for them to do evil again.

Finally, it is important to understand that spiritual wealth is a sharing type of wealth, while material wealth is a possessive type of wealth. The different nature of wealth will bring about completely different interpersonal relationships. Driven by the value of sharing wealth, human society will abandon the vicious environment of the survival of the fittest, deceit, and fraud, and rebuild a good economic environment of mutual benefit, cooperation, and win-win.

In the next section, we will discuss the most substantive “truth of cognition.”

(to be continued)

The English translation is mainly done by AI and is inevitably not accurate enough. Please refer to the original Chinese text below for a more accurate understanding.


— — 致联合国秘书长古特雷斯及全球贤达的公开信

5.2.6 数字地球财富价值的性质颠覆






图58 物质地球与数字地球财富价值性质颠覆图





“世界上最富有的 26 人拥有的财富相当于全球人口的一半”。“自大流行开始以来,世界上最富有的10人的财富翻了一番。由于大流行,人类99%的收入变得更糟。”这是目前物质地球上传统经济生态的现状。之所以如此,是由占有型财富属性决定的。为了逐利,资本只能选择帮助占有力最强的一方,而抛弃占有力弱的一方。这就是古特雷斯说的:它帮助富人,惩罚穷人。那么,占有力弱的群体为了生存,只能继续向外求,由于缺乏资金、技术的支持,只能粗暴发掘地球物质资源、加速碳排放,导致地球生态环境进一步恶化。地球生态进一步恶化,占有力弱群体向外求的占有力就更弱了。占有力更弱时,只能更粗暴发掘和排放……这就是物质地球上人类社会的恶性循环传统经济生态。

图59 古特雷斯2022年9月9日谈巴基斯坦洪水推文



图60 梅特卡夫定律














Written by Metatopal

Founder of Babaoshu GameFi Founding designer of Famland Metaverse CSO of CNET Blockchain Let everyone on earth live a decent and dignified life

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