The Need and Feasibility of the UN to Lead the Human Community in Creating a Digital Planet(023)

10 min readApr 12, 2023


— An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres and Global Sages

5.3.3 Belief Has a Method

Although the three major religions have people dedicated to preaching and spreading their teachings, the number of devout believers remains limited even after one or two thousand years. Capitalism, on the other hand, has essentially no preachers yet has managed to gain the firm belief of over 95% of the global population in less than 300 years. Undoubtedly, capitalism has created an undisputed miracle in the realm of “cognitive belief” in human society. How did capitalism create this miracle? The answer is simple: capitalism has a method for belief. Whether or not you believe now, under the influence of this method, you will eventually believe. So, what is this method of belief? It is a testimony system, a practical system that can produce “continuous testimony.” The Method of Belief is a Testimony System

The three major religions lack a testimony system, while capitalism has one. This is the fundamental reason for their ultimately different outcomes in terms of belief.

Some people argue that the three major religions also have testimonies, especially Christianity, which places strong emphasis on testimony. This is not wrong. However, all testimonies in the three major religions are individualized, rather than widespread or socialized. Individualized testimony means that what I witness may not necessarily be something you can witness, or if you do, it may be different from mine. The testimony system we are discussing refers to widespread and socialized testimony that can be widely verified. If you witness something and I verify it, the result will be the same as yours. For example, when investing in a stock, whether it rises or falls, everyone’s testimony is the same. When inflation occurs and money loses its value, everyone’s testimony is also the same.

Fig. 64: Capitalism’s Pyramid-Shaped Testimony System

Moreover, this kind of testimony is continuous. First, money (capital) ensures I do not go hungry. Then, money allows me to dress more decently. After that, money enables me to receive a better education. Next, money helps me earn more money. Finally, more money allows me to join high society and earn respect. From not going hungry to having dignity, to gaining knowledge, becoming wealthy, and finally becoming a respected person, each step testifies to the magical power of money, or capital. Even if someone initially has no faith in capitalism, after experiencing these continuous testimonies, they will eventually have no choice but to believe, and believe 100%. If capitalism is the religion of money, this person will ultimately become a devout believer in the religion of money without any doubt.

With a testimony system, a fictional story can be verified by everyone. If the verification is successful, people will start to believe. If the verification fails, they naturally will not believe. A person who initially does not believe may begin to believe somewhat after seeing others’ testimonies. They may start to verify for themselves, and after witnessing one or two times, their belief may grow stronger. After several more testimonies, their belief will be unwavering and complete. This means that with a testimony system, many unbelievers can gradually believe and eventually completely believe. This is the “method of belief.”

The truth of cognition discussed here is related to “belief” and the “method of belief.” “True knowledge” not only has true testimony (successful testimony) but also continuous and uninterrupted true testimony. This continuous and uninterrupted true testimony is the method of belief that generates “true belief.” Once the method of belief is mastered, truly understanding true knowledge will naturally follow. At this point, let’s change our perspective to understand cognition.

Religions, philosophies, and art do not actually involve cognition; they are more about feelings. And since everyone’s feelings are different, it is difficult to reach a consensus, especially a consensus among the vast majority. Although these fields are macroscopic and comprehensive, they struggle to generate profound world-changing power. Of course, they do change the world, but they do so in a gentle, slow manner. Mathematics, physics, and chemistry, on the other hand, involve cognition. They have a socialized testimony system, and the results after verification are quite consistent for everyone. As a result, people easily believe, and consensus is more readily reached. Even though these fields are specific and narrow, they can generate profound world-changing power and do so like a torrential force.

People today believe in capitalism, science and technology, and modern medicine because they all have their own testimony systems. Despite the significant drawbacks and blind spots of capitalism, science and technology, and modern medicine, people’s faith in them remains unwavering. This is because, regardless of the future, people can immediately see the testimony when they verify it now. Once they believe and have complete faith, a tremendous consensus is generated. This huge consensus, in turn, produces immense power to drive and force the entire human society to develop in the direction of the current testimony without considering whether there might be an abyss not far ahead.

Knowing that there is a method to belief, we understand that to achieve the self-rescue of the United Nations and humanity, creating a sufficiently new and large fictional story related to everyone’s interests is only the first step. More importantly, the second step requires creating a testimony system that allows each person to verify this fictional story. If this testimony system is successful and effective, then anyone who verifies it will ultimately believe in it after seeing the testimony.

If the testimony system is unsuccessful, ineffective, or produces poor results, and people cannot see the testimony after verification, the system needs to be continuously improved or even the fictional story itself, until people can successfully witness and believe.

Once people believe, a consensus is formed. The more people believe, the larger the consensus. A tremendous consensus can generate world-changing power.

This means that belief has a method, and the method of belief can be continuously improved. Undoubtedly, this statement, especially the latter part “the method of belief can be continuously improved,” captures the essence of the truth of cognition. This means that the testimony system for “belief” can also be continuously improved.

The testimony system outlined here is undoubtedly extremely important. However, when most of us do not understand the truth of the testimony system, we may find it difficult. Constructing a testimony system for a fictional story or for “belief” is already challenging in terms of where to start and how to build it. Ensuring the construction of a successful testimony system that enables all individuals to achieve successful testimony instead of failed testimony seems even more daunting.

In reality, this is not the case. Today, human society can use a unique, simple, and efficient method to construct successful testimony systems for any fictional story. Perhaps, this is one of the most precious gifts the new era has given to humanity. The Testimony System Model of “Belief”

Thirty years ago, Kevin Kelly wrote a book called “Out of Control,” which has been hailed as the “Internet Bible” in China and still has a significant influence on the Chinese Internet industry today. The book pioneered the concepts of distributed management and self-organizing systems, accurately predicting today’s DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) model. The book discusses “swarm intelligence,” which refers to a large number of simple robots that, as long as they can maintain information exchange, can eventually emerge correct and efficient behaviors and results without any centralized decision-making instructions. Moreover, it is almost impossible for them to make catastrophic mistakes, as if there is an extremely wise brain commanding them. This is “swarm intelligence.”

Kevin Kelly believes that if human society can use “swarm intelligence” to reorganize and manage, we can not only avoid various foolish mistakes but also obtain opportunities for healthy and sustainable efficient development. He thinks that this is the “ultimate destiny and outcome of all humanity.” The distributed system built using “swarm intelligence” is essentially the testimony system we are discussing here. According to Kevin Kelly, building such a system is not difficult or complicated. However, his book is quite extensive and fragmented, making it difficult to read and understand, let alone read it completely. Therefore, most people do not have the patience for it. Here, we can understand the core ideas of “Out of Control” and distributed systems from another perspective.

Fig. 65: Kevin Kelly’s book “Out of Control”

We all know that there are two extremely stable ecosystems on Earth: terrestrial forest ecosystems and deep-sea marine ecosystems. Both of these ecosystems have extremely rich biodiversity. Taking the forest ecosystem as an example, it includes mosses, herbaceous plants, shrubs, trees, various animals, and various microorganisms. There are millions of different life forms and species. With so many complex creatures, and without a unified command and coordination center, they can not only coexist peacefully and harmoniously but also maintain a healthy and stable living environment for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, without causing fatal errors leading to the destruction of the entire ecosystem. It seems as if there is an omnipotent and omnipresent intelligent brain commanding the forest ecosystem. If we call this intelligent brain “ecological thinking,” it is evidently more advanced than “swarm intelligence.”

Since both the simplest “swarm intelligence” and the most advanced “ecological thinking” can perform well under self-organizing and self-managing models, allowing the entire group to avoid fatal mistakes and achieve long-term stable development, why can’t human society, which is more complex than a swarm but simpler than a forest, use “system thinking” to build a self-organizing and self-managing system? Once such a system is established, it can almost completely eliminate the possibility of failure through self-adjustment, self-coordination, self-organization, self-correction, and self-evolution, and ultimately achieve success. This is why Kevin Kelly believes that it is not difficult or complicated.

The question is, even if it’s not difficult or complicated, not everyone can build such a system, right? Of course, my first choice here is the United Nations, as they have more advantages. However, in reality, anyone can build it, and it’s possible for anyone to succeed. This was something human society could not achieve 2000 years ago, 1000 years ago, or even 100 years or 10 years ago. Today, as long as we are willing, we can definitely achieve it. Let me remind you again that the self-organizing, self-managing distributed system mentioned here is the successful testimony system that we want to build.

Why? We still need to start from the basic operating principles of “swarm intelligence,” “ecological thinking,” and “system thinking.”

Let’s use a less fitting “god-given gold bar” analogy. God chose two groups of people, Group A and Group B, each with seven people. God told them that there were seven bags of gold bars weighing 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 kg each at Point Z to be given to them; whoever gets there first gets the gold. Starting from Points A, B, C, D, E, F, and G, there might be at least one route to reach Point Z.

Group A had seven people, and each person explored from each of the seven points, but none of them found a passable route.

Group B also had seven people, and they agreed that no matter what they found, they would communicate with each other, and the gold bars obtained would be equally divided among them. Not long after setting off, they all encountered obstacles: some had no roads, some had cliffs, some had steep mountains, and some had rapids. After communicating with each other using their phones, they unanimously agreed that there was a big tree by the river at Point B3. If they pushed it down, it could form a bridge to cross the river. So, all seven people came to Point B3, worked together to push the tree down, and eventually reached Point Z. Each person got a share of the gold bars. In fact, when each person in Group A arrived at this location, they knew that pushing down this tree could help them cross the river, but one person could not push the tree down, no matter how hard they tried, and had to return empty-handed.

Group A represents “linear thinking,” a zero-sum game. Group B represents multithreaded thinking, or the simplest form of “system thinking,” sharing and win-win.

From this analogy, the basic operating principles and most important principles of “swarm intelligence,” “ecological thinking,” and “system thinking” can be extracted, which are also the principles and rules of the distributed testimony system. These will form the basic principles for building a testimony system for “trust” in human society, and as long as we can follow these basic principles, the testimony systems we build will eventually succeed.

(To be continued)

The English translation is mainly done by AI and is inevitably not accurate enough. Please refer to the original Chinese text below for a more accurate understanding.


— — 致联合国秘书长古特雷斯及全球贤达的公开信

5.3.3 “信”是有方法的

三大宗教都有人专门传道、布道,可是,一两千年时间过去了。信得足的人依然很有限。资本主义可以说基本无人布道,却能在不到300年的时间内,让全球95%以上的人信得足。毫无疑问,在“信的认知”层面,资本主义创造了人类社会无可争议的惊人奇迹。而资本主义究竟是如何创造这个奇迹的呢?说起来也很简单,资本主义有一套“信的方法”。不管你现在信不信,在这套方法的作用下,你迟早会信。那么,这“信的方法”又是什么。就是一种见证体系,一种可以产生“连续性见证”的实践体系。 “信的方法”是见证体系



图64 资本主义金字塔式见证体系











其实不然。今天,人类社会可以用一种独特的模式,简约而高效的构建任何虚构故事的成功见证体系。或许,这正是新时代送给人类最珍贵礼物之一。 “信”的见证体系模式



图65 凯文·凯利的著作《失控》














Written by Metatopal

Founder of Babaoshu GameFi Founding designer of Famland Metaverse CSO of CNET Blockchain Let everyone on earth live a decent and dignified life

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