The Need and Feasibility of the UN to Lead the Human Community in Creating a Digital Planet(026)

8 min readApr 20, 2023


— An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres and Global Sages

5.3.4 The “Belief” Method Can Be Improved Today

The self-saving of the United Nations and humanity is imminent. In particular, the global climate issue, if we cannot fundamentally curb the trend of rising temperatures before a shorter time node. Missing this last node, it will be too late for any subsequent remediation. Therefore, the self-saving plans for the United Nations and humanity need to race against time. We need to achieve success in the witnessing system of “belief” in a shorter period.

How short is a shorter period, 5–10 years? No, not 5–10 years, but 3–5 years. If we have full confidence, act quickly, and promote effectively, we may even make the vast majority of people in the world believe, and trust sufficiently, within 2–3 years. This is the design goal of the “Famland Metaverse Digital Earth” witnessing system we will introduce in the next section. How could this be possible? Yes, everything stated in the open letter, when perceived and understood according to traditional thinking, is absolutely impossible. However, when perceived and understood according to the metaverse thinking, perhaps everything can be transformed into possibilities. Of course, it can also create an extremely fast and efficient better witnessing system.

But how could such a huge global system be built within 3–5 years, or even 2–3 years, and make the vast majority of people in the world believe in it? The specific implementation path will be detailed in the following section. Here, we will only discuss its basic principles. We have talked about the three core principles of building a distributed system: sharing, timeliness, and reliability. By comparing the old capitalist economic model and the human-centered new economic model on the digital Earth with these three principles, everyone can understand where the crux lies in building a fast and efficient witnessing system.

The essence of the three core principles is the flow of information. The faster the speed, the larger the volume, and the higher the quality (more reliable) of the information flow, the greater the value. This means that the faster the information flow under the premise of large information volume and reliable information, the faster the wealth creation value. Sharing

Strictly speaking, the capitalist economic system does not have value sharing. Although the development of the capitalist economy has led to an overall increase in the wealth value of human society, this increase is not brought about by sharing, but by the constant globalization and expansion of capitalism. Capital, in its pursuit of profit, tends to constantly expand its production and market scale. This expansion requires a continuous increase in labor and labor tools, leading to the growth of social employment. Therefore, the poor and the proletariat share part of the value gains by participating as labor or labor tools in the process of helping capital pursue profits. Capitalism has no intention or need for value sharing. If there is cheaper labor or labor tools, such as robots, capital will not hesitate to abandon the poor and proletariat as labor or labor tools.

In such a system, the vast majority of ordinary people in society have no motivation or incentive to share information. Capitalism obtains information mainly through the market, and the amount of information generated by the market is obviously limited. This leads to the fact that although capitalism is a distributed economic system, it cannot generate “emergence” or creative consensus due to insufficient information, and can only generate selective consensus through judgments on information. Creative consensus can greatly improve the speed of information flow, while selective consensus increases the speed of information flow very slowly.

Fig. 70 Emergence Schematic

In the digital Earth’s human-centered new economic model, value is fully shared. The rise of the entire economic value is closely related to every participant. Therefore, all participants, out of consideration for their own interests, will actively, positively, and responsibly share all the information they believe to be valuable. This will generate a huge amount of information, more “emergence,” and more creative consensus, thus greatly improving the speed of information flow. Timeliness

Capitalism is a market economy, and we generally believe that the speed of market information feedback is very timely. Therefore, it seems that there is no problem with timeliness. In fact, this is not the case. A product, from the extraction and transportation of raw materials to production and manufacturing, packaging, warehousing, logistics, and finally entering the market, often presents information from a few days, months, or even years ago. The market’s feedback on the product also requires such a long time cycle to be digested. Of course, this lag in information is not unique to capitalism. It objectively exists in the entire economic system of the material Earth, which is determined by the material nature of the Earth.

The human-centered new economy is completely different. Taking the previously fictional novel NFT as an example, after consumers get the novel NFT, they can provide feedback within a few minutes at the fastest. This feedback is transmitted to the author in a matter of seconds. If the author deems it necessary, they can immediately make corrections or adjustments. The entire information flow completes a closed loop in seconds or minutes. For physical goods to be delivered to consumers, it may take one day or even longer. By the time the feedback comes back and updates are necessary, new products need to be produced, which would take at least several days or months. The entire information flow completes a closed loop in days, months, or even years. Reliability

Capitalism has been operating for hundreds of years and seems quite reliable. However, this only refers to the reliability of its economic system. Information, on the other hand, is often the least reliable aspect and one of the biggest drawbacks of the capitalist system. Due to the possessiveness of wealth, people will maximize their own interests by using false and misleading information to mislead competitors, markets, and the general public whenever possible. Taking the stock market in the capitalist economy as an example, listed companies may deceive the market and the public through fraud, market makers and brokers may mislead the market and the public by manipulating prices, and stock speculation institutions may mislead the market and the public through false public opinion. Ordinary people cannot possibly identify this false information. The root cause of economic crises in capitalism lies here. False information not only endangers the entire economic system but also greatly hinders the flow of information.

In such a system, any piece of information in the market cannot be immediately trusted and needs to be corroborated or verified by other means. Even if waiting means missing opportunities, there is no choice. Only when information from multiple channels is consistent, or when it is corroborated and verified by multiple channels without any problems, can we believe that the information is true. This greatly hinders the timeliness of information and the speed of capital circulation.

In the human-centered new economic system, these problems do not exist. After being filtered through the blockchain’s trust machine, we can immediately trust every piece of information without wasting a second. Such speed of information flow is unimaginable in the capitalist economic system. Since there is no misleading false information, all data reflected in the market is true and accurate, and the economic crises that human society cannot avoid today will disappear.

In summary, the human-centered new economic system is at least 10 times faster, or even dozens of times faster, in terms of information flow speed than capitalism. This also means that the speed of wealth creation in the new economic system is at least 10 times higher than that of the old capitalist economic system. This is why the United Nations’ self-rescue and humanity’s self-rescue must come to the metaverse. After understanding these basic principles, let’s take another look at the famous Madison World Economic Evolution curve.

Fig. 71: Madison Curve High-Speed Development Phase Diagram

As can be seen from the above diagram, the intersection of the red and blue lines represents a parallel line where human GDP has grown 2,000 times. This means that it took humanity 2,000 years to achieve a 2,000-fold increase in per capita GDP. The intersection of the red and black lines is approximately 1971. Since then, humanity has increased its GDP by at least 4,000 times in just under 50 years. This means that even today’s capitalism, with its discounted information flow speed, can create wealth growth much faster than at any point in history. If the new economic system can create wealth 10 times faster, then, in theory, humanity can increase per capita GDP by another 4,000 times in just 3–5 years.

Whether it’s the capitalist system or the human-centered system, they both serve as a witness system for “trust” and need to be verified by people. The most direct verification is their ability to create wealth. More bluntly, it’s about whether people can make money in this system. The faster people make money, the faster they will believe and trust in the system. In the subsequent Famland witness system, we can see that the speed and ease of making money are incomparable to any previous economic model, including capitalism. It is entirely possible to make more people believe and trust in a shorter amount of time.

To be honest, in order to accomplish the United Nations’ self-rescue and humanity’s self-rescue in the shortest possible time, apart from the metaverse and digital Earth solutions we have discussed, no other solutions can even be conceived, let alone implemented, with a possibility of being realized within 2–3 years.

(To be continued)

The English translation is mainly done by AI and is inevitably not accurate enough. Please refer to the original Chinese text below for a more accurate understanding.


— — 致联合国秘书长古特雷斯及全球贤达的公开信

5.3.4 “信”的方法今天已经可以更好了





核心三原则的本质是信息流转,信息流转速度越快、量越大、质量越高(越可靠),价值越大。也就意味着在信息量大、信息可靠的前提下,信息流转的速度越快,创造财富价值的速度越快。 共享性



图70 涌现示意图

而在数字地球人本主义新经济模式中,价值被完全共享。整个经济体价值的上升,都与每一个参与者息息相关。因此,全体参与者出于对自身利益的考量,都会主动地、积极地、负责任地分享所有他认为有价值的信息。这就会产生巨大的信息量,也就会发生更多“涌现”,发生更多创造性共识。从而极大地提高信息流转速度。 及时性


而人本主义新经济就完全不一样了。以前面虚构的小说NFT为例,消费者拿到小说NFT后,最快可以在几分钟内产生反馈。这种反馈,几秒钟就传递给了作者。作者如果认为有必要,可以立即修正或调整。整个信息流走完一个闭环,是以秒、分钟计。而物质商品仅仅运到消费者手中,可能都需要1天,甚至更长时间。等信息反馈回来,假设有必要更新,则需要重新生产商品。那少说也要几天、几月了。整个信息流走完一个闭环,是以日、月,甚至以年计。 可靠性





图片71 麦迪逊曲线高速发展阶段示意图








Written by Metatopal

Founder of Babaoshu GameFi Founding designer of Famland Metaverse CSO of CNET Blockchain Let everyone on earth live a decent and dignified life

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