The Need and Feasibility of the UN to Lead the Human Community in Creating a Digital Planet(027)

9 min readApr 26, 2023


— An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres and Global Sages

5.4 Metaverse Thought and Humanist

The entire middle section, also known as the cognition section, can be said to be basically expounded here. This is also the theoretical part of our proposed “United Nations-led entry of human society into the metaverse, the creation of a digital Earth, and the realization of self-rescue for both the United Nations and humanity.” We might as well call it “Metaverse Thought,” a new idea that can only be born in the era of human intellectual civilization and within the metaverse. It corresponds to the “Realverse Thought” formed over thousands of years since the birth of human civilization. If “Realverse Thought” has nurtured Capitalism, then “Metaverse Thought” will nurture Humanist.

Thoughts and ideologies, as part of human consciousness, are means for humans to understand and construct social, economic, and political systems and have developed throughout human civilization history. More importantly, these thoughts and ideologies can shape human society, provide a framework for understanding the world, and guide political, social, and economic organizations. They usually emerge in response to specific historical backgrounds and challenges and evolve over time as society and its needs change.

For example, Confucian thought in China played a decisive role in giving birth to Chinese feudalism. Meanwhile, Christian thought, especially Protestantism, played an important role in fostering American Capitalism. As for the thoughts of Marx and Engels, they played a fundamental role in the rise of global socialism.

From ancient times to the present, it is clear that there is a significant difference between social practices guided by theoretical thoughts and those without. Taking the practice of the Chinese New Democratic Revolution as an example, after the success of the Xinhai Revolution, the imperial system was overthrown, and hundreds of warlords of various sizes emerged within China. These warlords each had their territory, money, guns, and power. At that time, the National Revolutionary Army and the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army had not yet been established. The various major warlords fought for many years, but none of them could unify China. In 1926, the National Revolutionary Army, which had been established for less than two years but was guided by the Three People’s Principles thought, began the Northern Expedition and defeated the Beiyang warlords in just over two years, at least nominally unifying China. Eventually, the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army (later renamed the Chinese People’s Liberation Army), guided by Marxism, defeated the National Revolutionary Army. In 1949, the People’s Republic of China was established, completing the substantive unification of China.

In addition, the Chinese feudal society, considered the most stable and longest-lasting social system in the world, is fundamentally different from other European feudalisms due to its theoretical thought system support. Chinese feudalism was essentially built on the theoretical system of Chinese Confucian thought. During the historical period when Chinese feudal society continued to develop, Chinese Confucian thought was further improved and developed. They often complemented each other.

In summary, social practices guided by theoretical thoughts have at least the following obvious advantages compared to social practices without theoretical thoughts:

First, the practice efficiency is higher, and the speed is faster, often achieving more with less and winning against stronger forces with weaker ones. The armies of the Chinese Nationalist and Communist parties at the time were undoubtedly quite weak compared to the large warlords that ruled parts of the country. However, because they were guided by theoretical thoughts such as the Three People’s Principles and Communism, they were able to defeat the powerful local warlords and unify China as an example.

Second, the practice results are better, and the achievements are greater, often creating more significant social wealth. The Chinese feudal society guided by Confucian thought created an economic prosperity that lasted for 1,000–2,000 years. In contrast, Western European feudal societies during the same period lacked such systematic theoretical guidance, and their economic achievements were relatively much smaller. Similarly, American capitalism, deeply influenced by Christianity (mainly Protestant thought), absorbed theories such as neoclassical economics, Keynesianism, and neoliberalism as guidance for its practice. This created an unprecedented economic development miracle in human history, far surpassing other Western capitalist countries that developed earlier but lacked theoretical guidance.

The guiding significance of theoretical thought is particularly important in today’s era. After the birth of internet technology, it gave rise to the internet economy. After the birth of blockchain technology, it gave rise to the blockchain economy. These new economies have all created tremendous wealth value at one point. However, due to their lack of systematic theoretical thought guidance or support, their development to date remains only an upgraded or online version of the traditional economy. They have not developed a completely new economic form, especially in terms of bringing new wealth to the incremental market for human society. This is undoubtedly a significant regret.

Our “cognition section” and this “Metaverse Thought” certainly hope to make up for this regret. But the more important significance lies not here, but in the previously mentioned “establishing this as a reference.” Let’s explain this in detail.

The entire “belief” witness system we designed actually contains two main parts. One part is the “Metaverse Thought,” which is the middle section (cognition section, theory section), mainly reflecting strategic witnessing. The other part is the “Metaverse Engineering,” which is the lower section (plan section, practice section), mainly reflecting tactical witnessing. These two parts need to work closely together, and neither can function well without the other.

This is like the artificial forest construction and natural forest evolution we discussed earlier. Artificial forests require planning, such as which species to plant, how to match them, and what to plant first and later. All of these need to be planned in advance according to botanical laws and forest ecology laws. Natural forests, on the other hand, are not so complicated; they will naturally evolve according to the growth environment. The difference between them is that, on one hand, the construction time of artificial forests is tens or even hundreds of times faster than natural evolution. On the other hand, the same piece of wasteland can be successfully turned into a forest following objective laws, while natural evolution may not necessarily do so, possibly turning the wasteland into a desert instead.

Fig. 72 Diagram of the relationship between Metaverse Thought and Humanist

The “Metaverse Thought” is the overall plan for turning this wasteland into a forest. The “Metaverse Engineering” is the specific practice of constructing this forest. The coordination of overall planning and specific practice is obviously extremely important.

The ancient Chinese Confucian thought is an overall plan for the development of a feudal society. Although many new cognitions, thoughts, and theories were developed later, they all remained within the framework of this overall plan. These additions improved and perfected the overall plan. As a result, this plan not only ensured the prosperous and stable development of Chinese society for thousands of years but also did not bring any serious damage or harm to human society or nature. More importantly, it ensured that Chinese civilization could rise like a phoenix from the ashes, becoming the only ancient civilization among the five major civilizations that have continued to this day.

As for Christianity and Protestantism, they are not the overall plans for the development of American capitalism but merely some of their doctrines and thoughts that have had a significant impact on its development. Subsequent thoughts and theories such as neoclassical economics, Keynesianism, and neoliberalism are not improvements to Christianity but separate systems. This has made American capitalism’s development, although supported by theoretical thoughts, fragmented and lacking an overall plan. This has made its development more like a naturally evolving forest, going wherever it leads. It may hope to evolve into a forest, but it could also end up becoming a desert.

The “Metaverse Thought” is the overall plan for the development of a Humanist society in the digital Earth during the era of wisdom civilization. In this case, it is evident that “humanism” should correspond to “capitalism.” Therefore, “humanism” is a new economic system and the economic foundation for building a new “Humanist” society. It is also the new economic system that the United Nations and humanity need for self-rescue, to “print money for themselves and use the money they print for themselves.” As for the “Metaverse Thought,” it is, of course, the superstructure for building a new “Humanist” society.

By now, the overall outline of the “Metaverse Thought” has been fully presented in this middle section. Here, let’s briefly summarize the entire middle section (cognition section, theory section).

In the previous section, we discussed that the key to the self-rescue of the United Nations, humanity, and the Earth depends on money. As long as there is enough money, all these self-rescue efforts can be achieved. However, the problem lies in where such a huge amount of money comes from. The entire middle section revolves around this core issue.

We believe that to solve the money problem, especially the huge amount of money, is actually quite simple — it is for the United Nations to lead human society into the metaverse and create a digital Earth. On the digital Earth, a new economic system completely different from the material Earth’s economic system can be built. Then, “printing money for ourselves and using the money we print” would suffice. Moreover, this new economic system is an infinite value system, where money can be printed infinitely under the premise of following its economic laws. With such an inexhaustible sum of money, we can completely help achieve the self-rescue of the United Nations, humanity, and the Earth.

The above statement is actually a “fictional story.” Although this “fictional story” seems incredible and is even less likely to be believed, the fact is that human development on Earth is pieced together by a series of “fictional stories.” From ancient myths and legends, feudal manor systems, imperial systems, the three major religions, capitalism, to the companies, stocks, options, and even countries and currencies that we know today, all are crystallizations of “fictional stories.” As long as a “fictional story” can make more people believe in it, it can form a powerful force to change the world. The self-rescue of the United Nations and humanity is no exception.

However, how to make people believe in this “fictional story,” especially the vast majority, is very difficult. We fully understand this and have not made such a plan. Because we have made a new discovery — capitalism, this “fictional story,” has been able to make most people in the world believe and trust it within less than 300 years because it has created a system of “Belief” testimony: the capitalist market economic system. Anyone can practice and obtain testimony in this system. With each successful testimony, even those who didn’t believe before have no choice but to believe.

Therefore, our “cognition section” is not aimed at changing people’s cognition and making everyone “believe.” Instead, it uses this “cognition section” and the subsequent “plan section” to jointly build a “Belief” testimony system: a Humanist digital economic system. Let people practice, verify, and obtain testimony in this system. As long as this testimony system can successfully allow people to obtain testimony, people will eventually believe in this “fictional story,” thus forming a huge force to change the world.

Furthermore, we have found that there is a method and shortcut to building a successful “trust” testimony system. This method and shortcut is to learn from nature and build a distributed self-organizing ecosystem. Such a system has self-matching, self-coordination, self-organization, self-correction, and self-evolution functions. As long as it is built according to its rules, there is basically no possibility of failure. In this way, the “trust” problem of the vast majority of people in the world can be perfectly solved.

Finally, there is only one problem left. The self-rescue of the United Nations and humanity is imminent. Can this successful testimony system be built in the shortest possible time, such as 3–5 years or even shorter? We think there is no problem. Because the three core principles we summarized for building a distributed self-organizing system, sharing, timeliness, and reliability, can greatly increase the speed of information circulation. It can be at least 10 times faster than the capitalist system. The faster wealth is created, the faster people make money, and the faster people obtain testimony. Assuming a person needs 10–20 years of testimony in the capitalist system to fully believe, then in the Humanist economic system, 1–2 years would be enough.

Up to this point, the middle section has covered all theoretical and cognitive issues related to the self-rescue plans of the United Nations and humanity. Next is our final section, which is the specific plan section. It will show how to carry this “fictional story” and how to turn humanity’s pursuits and dreams over the millennia into reality, step by step.

(To be continued)

The English translation is mainly done by AI and is inevitably not accurate enough. Please refer to the original Chinese text below for a more accurate understanding.


— — 致联合国秘书长古特雷斯及全球贤达的公开信

5.4 元宇宙思想与人本主义















图72 元宇宙思想与人本主义关系示意图


















Written by Metatopal

Founder of Babaoshu GameFi Founding designer of Famland Metaverse CSO of CNET Blockchain Let everyone on earth live a decent and dignified life

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