The Need and Feasibility of the UN to Lead the Human Community in Creating a Digital Planet(036)

12 min readMay 28, 2023


— An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres and Global Sages Principles for the Use of Shared Farm Shared Money and Reserve Funds

We all know that the so-called capitalist financial mechanism is actually a financial game. The rules of this game are made by people. Famland’s humanistic financial mechanism to be created on the digital earth is undoubtedly also a kind of financial game. Unlike capitalism, this is a decentralized distributed self-organized system with self-coordination, self-balance, and self-correction functions. These functions are often manifested in the form of “emergence” in the later stages. And even in “emergence,” it still depends on people, but it depends on the collective decision-making of more people. For Famland, there is still a relatively long exploration and experimentation process in the early stage. In this process, new rules, new orders, adjustments, and improvements will always exist. And with more and more people participating and working hard, it becomes better and more reasonable. Therefore, when we explain all the structures, patterns, and rules in this letter, we hope to explain as much as possible why we need to design this way. What is the purpose of the design and what effect should be achieved? What are the principles, spirit, or ideas it follows? To facilitate reference and learning for others. The highest power of the Famland new economic body in the future is F-DAO. All these rules may be re-modified or adjusted by F-DAO in the laterstage. Of course, it is not ruled out that in the early stage of launch, a new development and operation team may be formed by the United Nations or global experts to make modifications or adjustments. Moreover, in the future, other individuals or groups may build other types of metaverse or digital planets. In the construction, planning, design, and operation of the Famland metaverse, all the thinking, experience, information, and content are hoped to be open to everyone for reference or learning.

Fig. 94 Schematic diagram of the “3 in 2” effect of BFM in the public beta version

The rules for the use of shared farm shared money and reserve funds that will be described below also follow such a mindset and principle.

First of all, we need to realize that “BFM,” is a very important sub-ecosystem in the Famland new economic ecology, namely the “BFM sub-ecosystem.” There will be a specific discussion on this part later. Here, we just outline the main value logic briefly. In this sub-ecosystem, the nephrite collection fee and the BFM handling fee are a large amount of funds in the later stage. We cannot measure the extent of it yet. If we have to make an estimate, when the Famland new economic body enters the mature stage, this fund may account for 2–10% of the total economic volume of the entire economic body. How could this be so large?

This is also a consideration for Famland’s new economic body to “hiding wealth among the people” and “share value.” On the digital earth, each shared farm is a governance node and can be understood as a “meta-country.” Each “meta-country” can expand infinitely as long as its people (FN) approve. Therefore, shared farms are a new social structure in the metaverse and digital earth. After all, FN can freely migrate on the digital earth. I will go to the shared farm that I most approve of to develop. Therefore, in order to attract more new FN to enter, farms need to provide better services, more support, and larger benefits. All of these require funding, which comes from shared farm shared money.

Secondly, we also need to be clear that after Famland enters the mature stage, the nephrite collection fee will continue to rise, and the BFM cost will be greatly increased. The YL income brought by the increase of BFM’s shared value is no longer proportional to the BFM cost. At this time, the main significance of BFM is to create high-level “Glory Goods.” This means that the high BFM cost, or the “honorable product” upgrade fee, mainly contributes to the shared farm it belongs to. If this large amount of funds is used and utilized properly, it will greatly promote the development of Famland’s ecology and the progress of human society and civilization on the digital earth.

In our plan, it is best to use shared farm shared money for the “shared field rental” economic model. Under the public wallet of the farm, a large number of FN are opened with shared money and completed asset pledging, and then rented out as “shared fields” of the farm. Economic poor cultivators from any country or region in the world can activate KYC identity verification and harvest YL without paying a penny. When these cultivators become proficient in Famland and earn money, they can use the earned money to exchange for the 500 YL collateral that was initially invested in the shared farm. If they do not earn money, there is no risk for the cultivators. Once the exchange of the collateral in the FN is completed, the FN sovereignty can be fully owned by them.

Note that the economic model of this “shared field” is named rental but actually belongs to a real “sharing economy.” The so-called “sharing economy” that was popular a few years ago was just an alternative leasing model under the name of the “sharing economy.” This is a very innovative win-win model.

First, the wealthy can earn money in FN that they couldn’t earn before.

In the Famland ecosystem, no matter how rich you are, you can only have one FN, and at most one piece of wild land that can be invested with capital worth 10,000 YL. Other money cannot be used in this ecosystem. However, if you become a farmer and use the “shared field rental” model, you can invest heavily in opening up “shared fields.” After renting them out, each FN can receive a share of 2–10% of its earnings per day (this ratio can be adjusted and has nothing to do with the previously estimated BFM ratio of 2–10%). Even a return of 2%, or even lower, is a profit that cannot be expected in traditional capital markets. The most important thing is that this type of investment has extremely low risk. After the lessee earns money, they will mostly exchange the collateral that the wealthy invested. After the wealthy recover their costs, the rental income collected is the net profit. The only risk is that there may be some “impermanent loss” if no one rents the land. But there is also another part, the income from the collection of “Nephrite”. The wealthy also receive a share of this because the collection of Nephrite is largely based on luck. The good luck of collecting income usually greatly exceeds the bad luck of “unforeseen losses”. From this perspective, wealthy people investingin shared farms, opening up “shared fields,” and making money through the “shared field rental” model can generate substantial profits with almost zero risk.

Fig. 95 The collection times and collection ratio of Nephrite in each cycle in the public beta version

Now, why have we been emphasizing fairness and trying to curb the wealthy from using capital to make big profits and disrupt the “fairness and inclusiveness” of the Famland ecosystem? Yet now we are encouraging capital to enter and make big profits. It’s because this model of making money with capital not only does not disrupt the “Universal fairness” of the Famland ecosystem, but also greatly promotes the healthy development of the ecosystem. More importantly, it effectively helps the poor in this world and fundamentally lifts them out of poverty. In other words, when this model is widely promoted, it can completely eliminate the poverty problem that human society has been striving for for thousands of years, but still cannot fundamentally solve.

Second, the poor can start without capital in FN and achieve financial freedom.

There are still nearly one billion people in the world who are food and clothing insecure and live in absolute poverty. Due to various factors such as climate, environment, wars, and disasters, it is almost impossible to find a truly effective model in the real world to help them out of poverty. However, as long as they can access the internet and have a mobile phone, they can quickly change their own destiny and also change the destiny of their country by using the “shared field rental” model without investing a penny.

After they strike gold in renting “shared fields”, they can use the money earned to exchange for the collateral of the wealthy, reclaim their complete personal sovereignty of FN. Then, they can migrate their FN back to the shared farm established in their own country, get rich themselves, and make their country prosperous and powerful. The specific discussion of this part will be addressed later. It will not be repeated here.

Is it that simple to solve the global poverty problem? Is it possible? Yes, when the Famland economy matures, it is that simple to solve the global poverty problem. It is completely possible. People like to use the phrase “Great Truth in Simple Words” to comment on things that others have done as too complicated. In fact, this is the biggest misunderstanding. “Great Truth in Simple Words” does not refer to doing things simply, but only to the results presented at theend being simple. It’s like a light bulb, which is very simple, just turn on the switch and it lights up. However, the generation, transmission, voltage transformation, and wiring behind it are definitely complex. Famland is also like this. To completely solve the global poverty problem with just one “shared field rental” model, the ideas, theories, logic, and large and small ecosystems that support this model must be in place at every step, and each step must be resonant. If any link is missing, this simple model cannot be established or truly effective.

If the farm shared money can be used and its effectiveness can be fully realized, not only will the lessors and lessees win, but the entire Famland ecosystem will win. It also greatly benefits human society and makes a huge contribution to human society. The contributors to this are worthy of the highest honors and praises in human society. So, who is the biggest contributor in this “shared field rental” model and BFM sub-ecosystem? Without a doubt, it is the creator of “Glory Goods”. It is their huge contribution that has created a huge amount of shared money in the shared farm, which has enabled the opening up of a large number of “shared fields”, and has helped billions of poor people in the world to fundamentally overcome poverty.

The owners of “Glory Goods” should receive recognition from the whole society (a sense of recognition). They should be immensely proud of the achievementsthey have gained through their hard work (a sense of accomplishment). They should also receive sincere respect and praise from the whole society (a sense of honor). This is why the blood of “Glory Goods” is infused with a sense of recognition, accomplishment, and honor.

The principles for using the farm reserve fund are basically the same. They are both aimed at promoting the healthy development of Famland’s new economy. The difference is that shared money focuses on the healthy development of the shared farm itself, while the reserve fund focuses on the healthy development of the entire Famland new economy. In our vision, when the Famland economy faces major challenges, dangers, or emergencies, the farm reserve fund can help turn the tide and stabilize the situation. For example, earlier this year, shortly after the public beta version of Famland was launched on the EOS public chain, it was hit by a hacker attack. Because our volume was too small, only worth about 50–60 thousand US dollars, we couldn’t get the EOS super nodes to use their freeze illegal assets permission to attack the hackers. We could only watch as several thousand dollars in assets were all lost in a matter of minutes. In the face of such emergencies, if there was a farm reserve fund, we could quickly make up for the tens of thousands of dollars gap. The entire public beta version ecosystem could continue and maintain its popularity. However, without reserve funds, after the liquidity pool assets are reduced to zero, the YL price theoretically goes to zero as well. This public beta experiment would have completely failed. Although the community eventually rallied and raised some funds to replenish the liquidity pool, it still did not completely prevent the YL price from dropping to zero. Such actions are not the natural lawof an ecosystem.

Therefore, the setting of the farm reserve fund is a fundamental strategy of “hiding wealth among the people” in a distributed self-organizing system. It is extremely important for a decentralized system to respond to emergencies. In our vision, the farm reserve fund should consider the interests of both parties: in emergencies, after F-DAO’s decision, funds can be directly allocated from the farm reserve fund pool to the stable pool or elsewhere without the approval of the farm members or farm owners. On the other hand, if the reserve fund reaches a certain amount, such as more than 10,000 YL per capita for farm members, the excess can be transferred to the farm shared gold pool. This not only takes into account the interests of large and small collectives but also gives the entire Famland ecosystem strong resilience, balance, and self-healing capabilities when facing unknown economic shocks.

Speaking of which, we need to clarify the basic principles of Famland’s distributed self-organizing system. The basic principle is that nodes have complete autonomy. If the shared farm is a node in the distributed self-organizing ecosystem of Famland, then theoretically, the node has complete autonomy over its own assets. This is why, when we discuss the use of shared farm shared gold and reserve funds, we don’t just talk about the settings and rules, but emphasize our intentions and design ideas. Because the specific use of shared farm shared gold and reserve funds, and the real authorityshould belong to the farm owners and all members of the farm. Unless these nodes, these shared farms collectively vote on a decision, everyone should naturally abide by that decision. Otherwise, regardless of what others think, say, or suggest, the final decision still lies with the shared farm itself. As planners and designers, we can only guide from the perspective of the benefits and drawbacks of the ecosystem. For example, if your shared farm is not willing to use shared money for “shared field rental” while other farms are doing so, then FN, which has the willingness to create “Glory Goods,” may not develop in your shared farm. Alternatively, this shared farm may not want to launch the “shared field rental” model, but it may discover another model that is more attractive to new users and “Glory Goods” creators. These are the most dynamic aspects of the Famland ecosystem.

The planning and design of the entire Famland ecosystem are following the basic principles of the distributed node new economy, where the core is the autonomy of the nodes. For FN, the “private domain territory” function and structural settings reflect the personal sovereignty of the ultimate nodes. However, for shared farms, which are governance nodes, it is still necessary to explore what their node rights and scope of rights are, which is most beneficial for a distributed self-organizing system and the entire Famland ecosystem. This is why Famland needs to be constructed as an open, distributed, and self-organizing ecosystemthat everyone can participate in and make decisions. This allows for correct functional adjustments and rule adjustments to effectively emerge in the future. As for the current stage, as long as the use of shared farm shared money and reserve funds is beneficial to the healthy development of the Famland ecosystem, we believe that how to use them and how to set rules is reasonable.

(To be continued)

The English translation is mainly done by AI and is inevitably not accurate enough. Please refer to the original Chinese text below for a more accurate understanding.


— — 致联合国秘书长古特雷斯及全球贤达的公开信 共享农场共享金、储备金利用原则


图94 公测版中BFM的“3合2”效果示意图








图95 公测版中每个周期和田玉的采集次数和采集比例

















Written by Metatopal

Founder of Babaoshu GameFi Founding designer of Famland Metaverse CSO of CNET Blockchain Let everyone on earth live a decent and dignified life

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