The Need and Feasibility of the UN to Lead the Human Community in Creating a Digital Planet(042)

11 min readJun 18, 2023


— An Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Guterres and Global Sages

8, Overall Operation

In Chapter 7, we provided a detailed introduction to the overall framework of the Famland new economic system. The core asset FN is a distributed node of this new economic system. After exploring its functions and structure, we can see that it is not only a concept of “private territory” or simply a “green miner,” but it can also carry all the imagination and creativity needed to reconstruct a new civilization for humanity in the digital world. The cultivation attribute represents these imaginative and creative abilities, connecting numerous nodes through the utility of cultivation data and forming the internal and external ecosystems of FN nodes, where “you are in me, and I am in you.”

As FN extends outward, the “shared farm,” the “BFM” new gameplay, and the “BFM sub-ecosystem” emerge, forming the external ecosystem of FN. As FN extends inward, “glory goods” and the “personal achievement show system” emerge, forming the internal ecosystem of FN. As the source of all value in the ecosystem, FN has the broadest consensus foundation (because everyone in the world has it). The shared value and fertility value, which are based on “algorithm trust,” run through the internal and external ecosystems of cultivation data, becoming the measurement basis for all value cultivation and growth in the Famland new economic system. With the broadest consensus foundation and the most reliable consensus supported by algorithm trust, YL, as the native value particle and stable score on the digital earth, has the most extensive and reliable consensus guarantee for its value.

Next, the YL issuance system, YL distribution system, YL price stability system, and YL market application system must interact and support each other, ensuring YL price stability and widespread application. This guarantees that YLE can continuously produce YL, ultimately developing into a new economic ecosystem with continuously increasing value and prices, which will neither collapse nor produce economic crises.

Each step and link in this process is not unfounded. The vast majority of them can find prototypes or templates in the current blockchain digital economic field. We have only made certain improvements, corrections, and combinations according to our theoretical system. Obviously, Famland presented according to our planned business model is indeed an open, transparent, and verifiable “belief” witness system. The “targets” of this witness are to make money and create wealth value. Famland learns from capitalism on the one hand, and on the other hand, it surpasses and improves capitalism to a considerable extent.

First, making money is simpler and easier. Once FN is activated, anyone can make money in the true sense.

Second, witness is faster. Today, stake input generates profits tomorrow, and these profits can be realized immediately. More importantly, the risk is minimal.

Finally, it conforms to human nature. Capitalism alienates human nature, while Famland’s humanism brings human nature back. Moreover, it uses the lure or attractiveness of making money to force spiritual sublimation. Perhaps this is the most fundamental meaning of the new economic system.

The overall business model of the Famland new economic system is basically complete, and the beta version has already been launched. There are still many details and specific rules that need to be honed, improved, optimized, and evolved. However, all of this can be solved in the practical process. As a distributed self-organizing system, it has the attributes of self-honing, self-coordination, self-organization, self-correction, self-balance, and self-evolution. As long as the number of FN nodes reaches a certain level, many new paths, modes, and rules that we cannot imagine today will emerge, making Famland more valuable and healthier.

Next, we will specifically promote and operate new plans around the fundamental point of how to rapidly increase Famland nodes, that is, FN. This mainly includes the phased division of operations and feasibility analysis under different operating forms.

8.1 Phased Operations

Building a digital earth, creating an infinite wealth value new economic system, and reconstructing a new civilization for human society are undoubtedly a vast undertaking. It would take generations and centuries of continuous effort and dedication. These are the concepts that most of us think of when we see these proposals. It is precisely because these ideas and concepts are all wrong that the importance of this chapter is highlighted. In fact, we can achieve all of this in a short time and with minimal effort. This is the miracle created by following the will of heaven, the way of heaven, and the historical trend and tide of the times.

Through the following phased division, we can see clearly that the entire new economic ecosystem can be achieved in a long period of 8–10 years or a short period of 3–5 years, from the beginning of the official launch to entering the mature period. The entire operational period can be roughly divided into three stages, namely, the establishment period, the growth period, and the mature period. The time prediction for each stage mainly distributes in the establishment period and the growth period. Once entering the mature period, it is a long-term benign self-circulation process.

8.1.1 Establishment Period

The narrow definition of the establishment period refers to the time from the official launch of Famland to entering the growth period. The broad definition of the establishment period is from the time the startup funds are in place based on the current Famland public beta version, to entering the growth period. Famland’s startup capital requires at least 200 million US dollars, and of course, the more, the better. The specific form and operation of the startup capital will be explained later. We usually refer to the broad growth period, which takes about 12–18 months. The timeline for each stage is roughly as follows: Official launch, which takes 1–3 months.

The current public beta version is a data non-deletion beta, meaning that this beta version is actually the official version. However, there are still many functions that have not yet been launched, and many functions are incomplete. At the same time, there is a lack of pressure testing and security testing with larger data volumes. In the field of encrypted digital economy, these improvements and testing are often carried out continuously during the formal operation process. The main reason why an additional 1–3 months is needed is to raise the YL price from the current level of around 0.01 USDT to the normal level of 1 USDT, which requires a time process due to the constant sliding point protection. During this process, a more open and powerful technical development team can be recruited globally, and after integration and connection with the existing technical team, the development and improvement of the most needed functions and programs can begin.

The Famland public beta version is 100% decentralized. The so-called 100% decentralization means that there is no centralized development team, no centralized operation team, no centralized server, and no centralized traffic pool. All profits belong 100% to the community. The 100% return to the community does not mean that it will be controlled by the community’s autonomous governance organization, Dao. It means that it will return to the community ecosystem, even F-Dao has no other penny to dispose of. This is because once there is funding available for Dao to dispose of, it will create a form of public ownership rather than a form of collective ownership. So where does the funding for the technical development team come from? In our initial design, Famland’s technical development fund comes from YLS (original particle sharing gold). YLS is also an NFT, and its specific functions and features are described in the “Famland White Paper.”

The only difference or symbol between the official launch and the public beta version is that KYC real-name authentication should be launched immediately after the official launch. In our view, real-name authentication is only a transitional period. When conditions are mature, Famland will transition to real-person authentication as soon as possible. Real-name authentication usually requires reaching the age to apply for an ID card, while real-person authentication can be done at birth, which is more in line with Famland’s “universal fairness” principle. Only FN that has completed KYC real-name authentication or real-person authentication can enter the activation state.

During this 1–3 month period, multiple YLS auctions can be carried out according to the white paper regulations. In addition to the vast majority of auction proceeds entering the stability pool and bonus pool, 2% will be used for the technical development fund. This is the only limited expenditure in the entire business model of the Famland new economic system, and it is the only funding that Dao can dispose of. Angel Plan and Startup Capital Settlement, Takes 6–10 Months

The Angel Plan. After KYC real-name authentication is launched, the Angel Plan can be implemented.

Famland’s individual Angel Plan refers to individuals who pledge assets of at least 5000 YL, open 10 “shared fields,” lease them out to the public according to the minimum leasing standard, and commit to never revoking the pledge. When the lessee exchanges the pledge and returns the Angel, a new “shared field” will be opened for continuous pledge. This will continue until the end, and the Angel who leases out more “shared fields” will win. As for what spiritual welfare the Angel may enjoy in the future, we don’t know yet. Perhaps there is, perhaps not. In any case, the data and information of these Angels are on the chain and will never be erased. Therefore, Famland’s Angel Plan is actually a “lossless” social public welfare investment. Not only is it lossless, but in fact, these leased “shared fields” will continue to make money for the Angel. This type of individual Angel Plan is also called the “Small Angel Plan” or “Tactical Angel Plan.”

Figure 105 Famland Ecological Angel Project Propaganda Poster

The Angel Plan we are referring to here mainly refers to institutions or individuals who can provide a large amount of startup capital to settle in Famland. It is also called the “Big Angel Plan” or “Strategic Angel Plan.” Big Angel Startup Capital Investment Amount and Investment Allocation

The startup capital for the Big Angel Plan requires at least 200 million USDT. This capital belongs to a relatively special social public welfare investment. It not only has public welfare effects that other public welfare funds cannot achieve, but also can continue to make money and sustain a relatively high return on investment rate under extremely low risk. Its use allocation is as follows:

2 million to raise the YL price to 1 USDT. Roughly equivalent to purchasing 2 million YL at an average price of 0.5 USDT. Because the total circulation of YL is only 2.2 million, about half or even more of the 2 million funds will enter the stability pool (impermanent loss protection fee). Another 1 million funds will purchase 2 million YL, which will form a trading pair with USDT at a ratio of 1:1 and enter the liquidity pool.

3 million for the technical development fund. In the future, it will be gradually repaid through the 2% YLS auction income.

60 million for YLS auction. In the first 2 months, all YLS with a bidding price below 1000 USDT need to be purchased to ensure that the market bidding price of YLS can be stabilized at 1000 USDT or above after 2 months. Assuming an effective bidding transaction of 40 million USDT, the fund flowing into the stability pool will reach 30 million USDT. Together with the corresponding YL assets, the total amount of the initial stability pool can be between 60–80 million YL, which can effectively guarantee the stability of the initial YL price.

The remaining 135 million USDT will be used to open shared farms and shared fields, and a total of 270,000 FN can be opened. This means that at least 270,000 people worldwide can start making money on Famland. After 270,000 FN are activated, the Famland ecosystem can issue an additional 187 million YL (270,000*693.5). The total amount of the liquidity pool will be at least 300 million YL.

The investment of 200 million USDT for the Big Angel Plan, except for the 3 million technical special fund, all other funds need to commit to never revoking. That is to say, after the lessee exchanges the pledge and returns to the Big Angel wallet, the Big Angel needs to immediately pledge it again and open a new FN. This cycle will continue endlessly (specific operations can be executed by the community). Investment Return Rate and Significance of Big Angel Startup Capital

Although the startup capital for the Big Angel Plan belongs to a public welfare investment, its investment return rate is actually quite high. Even if the leasing income from the “shared fields” is split into a minimum of 5% and an average APY of 2400%, the annual income from one “field” is 12,000 YL (500*24). The 5% split is 600 YL. Even if the effective leasing period of each “field” is only calculated as 10 months per year, the leasing fee income for one year is still 500 YL. This means that even in the most conservative scenario, the capital can be recouped in about one year. All future income will be profit. This does not even include the split income from collecting and selling the “field jade,” nor does it include the later dividend income from YLS auctions and its own appreciation income.

Although such an investment return rate is considered very high in pure capitalist commercial investment, in Famland, it is indeed a public welfare investment. The 200 million US dollar investment from the Big Angel Plan can at least help about 300,000 poor people in any area with extremely harsh environment on this planet and fundamentally change their poverty fate by giving them the opportunity to earn a living. We can calculate that a family of five in an extremely poor area in Africa, after claiming and activating 5 FN, only needs one person to operate. Even with conservative estimates, the annual yield from YL alone is at least $60,000 or more. And as the shared value of their FN increases, their income will also increase year by year. Adding other sources of income such as collecting and selling “field jade,” their annual income can be kept stable at over $80,000. This is not just poverty alleviation. Even in rural China, it is already the standard of living of a wealthy family. In the real world, no public welfare charity can achieve this. It is unimaginable. Therefore, the Big Angel investment in the Famland ecosystem is a real social public welfare investment and the best commercial investment with the highest return rate.

In summary, the activation of at least 30,000 FN and a liquidity pool of 300 million YL in the Famland ecosystem are the minimum requirements for our operational planning during the establishment period.

Most of the above data comes from the “Famland White Paper” and can be checked in the white paper. A small part of it comes from experience and judgment. There may be significant operational changes in the actual operation, so we will not explain these data in detail here. Otherwise, this letter will never end.

Under the premise of meeting these minimum requirements, there are two extremely important data indicators in the Famland new economy ecosystem. When either of them is met, we believe that the establishment period can be ended. Famland has the necessary conditions to enter the growth period. These two data indicators are:

First, the birth of the first “Glory Goods.”

Second, the total amount of funds in the stability pool reaches 2 billion YL.

(To be continued)

The English translation is mainly done by AI and is inevitably not accurate enough. Please refer to the original Chinese text below for a more accurate understanding.


— — 致联合国秘书长古特雷斯及全球贤达的公开信

8 总体运作













8.1 阶段性运作



8.1.1 成立期

狭义的成立期是指Famland正式版上线,到进入成长期的这段时间。广义的成立期,是在现有Famland公测版的基础上,从启动资金到位算起,到进入成长期的这段时间。Famland的启动资金至少需要2亿美元,当然越多越好。启动资金的具体形态和运作后面有具体阐述。我们通常表述的是广义成长期,大约需要12–18个月。各个阶段的时间线大致如下: 正式版上线,需要1–3个月。




在这1–3个月的时间内,可以按白皮书规定,多次进行YLS的拍卖。拍卖的收益,除了绝大部分进入稳定池和奖金池外,还有2%,用于技术开发基金。整个Famland新经济体的商业模式中,只有这么一笔专款专用的有限开支,属于Dao可以支配的资金。 天使计划与启动资金入驻,需要6–10个月



图105 Famland生态的天使计划宣传海报

而我们这里所指的天使计划,主要指那些能提供大量启动资金入驻Famland的机构或个人。也叫作“大天使计划”,或“战略型天使计划”。 大天使启动资金投资额和投资分配






大天使的这2亿Usdt的投资,除了其中300万技术专项基金后期是可以返回的外。其余资金都需承诺永不撤销。也就是说,租赁人置换质押金,返还到大天使钱包后。大天使又需要立即再质押进去,再开辟一块新的FN。就这样循环往复、生生不息(具体操作可以交给社区执行)。 大天使启动资金的投资回报率及意义












Founder of Babaoshu GameFi Founding designer of Famland Metaverse CSO of CNET Blockchain Let everyone on earth live a decent and dignified life